Would you like to write us something about the book? Or invite us to a lecture? Or join us at meetings and discussion? Or support us in any other way? Then feel free to send us an email to contact æ commonism dot org.

We are active in various projects and actions on different levels. We deepen the discussion about utopia and transformation in our own groups, in AKUT (Association of Critic, Utopia and Transformation), ‘Network Utopia’ and the Commons Institute. These groups mostly converse in German, but we want to set up English-speaking meetings. If you want to take part in deepening discussions or produce texts and material with us, feel free to get in touch, and don’t worry if you feel you are not ‘in’ enough, we can manage that.

On the other hand, we are invited or organise lectures and workshops as political educational, e.g. at the (online) seminars ‘Let’s talk about System Change’ or at various conferences, conventions, etc. If you would like to help organise educational events or even hold them yourself, please get in touch.

If you want to accompany and support us for a while, we also offer internships at the Commons Institute, which always provides a legal framework for us.

Unfortunately, a commitment to a society without money also needs money, which is why we also gladly accept donations. You can simply send them to the Commons Institute. The Institute is a non-profit organisation and can therefore issue receipts for donations. Send us an email to verwaltung æ commons-institut.org.

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